Yes, tails were wagging chez Burt-Headrick today. First of all, it was snowing! Freddie's first experience with the white stuff ... and he loved it (as you can tell from his tail in this photo). Paul and I are always up for snow, too, and are looking forward to genuine flakes, rather than the pretty but pintzy flurries we got today.
Here's Freddie enjoying a frosty romp with Ralph, a 7-month-old Airedale.
Spot the tail!
Another good thing was the long walk Freddie and I took along 7th Avenue, to a closet designing place where Paul and our friends Jerry and Karin were busy figuring out closet organizers for the new digs. At this point in the day (I can now reveal) we had an accepted offer on our co-op, with just ONE SUBJECT left to be removed. Today was the day we would find out whether or not the sale would go through .... too tense to stay home!
Belated Happy Chanukah!
(To the extent that such fractions mean anything, Freddie is 1/4 Jewish. :-))
I neglected to take any photos at the closet place. I was both distracted and immensely grateful that Paul, Jerry, and Karin were willing to deal with all the geometry and calculation involved in closet organizing. My eyes no doubt glazed over as I stared at the drawings they were discussing and revising ... but I'm confident we're going to have very boss closets.
Here's the entranceway to a condo/townhouse development on 7th that I kinda dig for its admirable attempt at Britishness.
Ohhh, Freddie .... do you think there'll be a message for us when we get home?
Well, Heather, even if there isn't ... even if this deal falls through ... we'll still have the snow, right?
Uh, yeah.
And each other.
Have you been talking to Paul?
Walking With Freddie will be offline for several days (Telus can't hook us up until the 17th), but I expect we'll be able to get another post or two in before we're cut off.
Oh, one other (big) bit of goodness: Freddie has started doing high blood sugar alerts!
Some days are very good, and I hope yours was, too!
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