Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Au revoir ... hasta la próxima!

Autumnal freshness (ie. rain) has returned. A new non-teaching term has begun. My "midlife passage" has (thanks, in part, to the Jungians) become surprisingly enjoyable/interesting. There are books to be read (and at least one to be written), trails to be hiked, wines to be tasted, friends to catch up with, canine public access tests to prepare for ... and Christmas shopping to watch Paul do. Walking With Freddie is approaching its one-year anniversary, and while there is material aplenty to photograph and comment on (picket lines, railway lines, Sunday morning line-ups outside Sophie's Cosmic Café ...), I think this is a good time to write finis, for this particular version of Heather-does-blogging.

It has been a blast (thanks, in huge part, to my faithful WWF readers). WWF2, whenever it might appear, will likely be a different breed of blog. Until then, Freddie and I wish you wonderful adventures on the high seas of life ... and if you're in our neighbourhood, please join us for a walk!

Play bows to all ... :)


  1. WHAT?
    no more?!
    is this permanent?

    1. You have more blogging stamina than I do, Scully! I expect I'll return to the blogosphere at some point, in some form; I just didn't want this thing languishing in cyber-space while I rattled away on non-electronic writing projects. :)

    2. I am not the best at it. I contemplate daily about deleting the whole thing. There are times where I blog maybe once a month.
      People like me will still be here and no matter how little you post, I'll still read it!

  2. Even tho I didn't get the chance to know you you and Freddie will be missed to whatever journey you dwell on I hope it's a good one.

    Take good care and have doing it!

    1. Thanks for this and your other comments, Marie! Happy trails to you, too!


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