Thursday, 17 October 2013

Salvaging a Crappy Morning

I suppose the only truly crappy part of this morning was waking up with a blood sugar of 3.5 — i.e. LOW. Freddie did try to tell me. He nosed me and licked me, but in my fogginess I ignored him. :-( (Must work on getting him to jump up on me when I'm in bed — a tricky thing when, most of the time, I'm emphatically discouraging him from jumping, especially on other people.)

Anyway, yes, the blood sugar was crappy. Forgetting my keys at home (for the 400th time this month), when I took Freddie out, was very, very irritating — and would have counted as crappy, had I not succeeded in contacting Paul. But I did. Having my camera batteries croak in the first 5 minutes of the walk could likewise have been crappy — but, shockingly, I had a spare set.

Excellence, really, for there were many crappy-morning-relieving sights to be captured ...

Fall foliage in the Cypress Community Garden

I like this shot (below) — if only I hadn't nicked off the top of the gable!

Fiery, creeping vines outside Hudson Elementary

Morning mist at Hadden Park

Happy dawgs at the dog beach!

This is the mural outside the Vancouver Maritime Museum, getting its borders painted. I think it's been there a long time, and I suspect a newer version might put a bit less emphasis on the Big White Explorers!

This ol' Lab caused some concern this morning. No owner in sight, no collar, something obviously not quite right with his front leg. He was a friendly fellow — waggy tail, big brown eyes — and we dog walkers in the vicinity were wondering what to do. Call the SPCA? Call the pound? Take him home? Finally someone showed up who knew where the dog lived (right across the street) and went trotting off to knock on the door. Moments later, the owner came scuffling out in slippers and sweats, and all was fine.

Kind of a charming (abandoned?) house, with what looks like a wood stove parked out front:

This messy construction around Cypress, Cornwall, and the Burrard Bridge is going to result in a groovy new bikeway!

It's that time o' year!

Tune in tomorrow, when (if all goes as planned) Walking With Freddie goes for a roll! (And don't forget to vote in the poll!)


  1. What a lovely morning mist photo, you do live in the most gorgeous neighbourhood. Thinking of emigrating just so I can buy a used co-op and see theses scenes daily!

    1. Ah, you don't need to emigrate or purchase, Anna (though it would be fantastic to have you here). Once we're settled in our new digs, you can visit any time!

      I've just started a Freddie blogroll — I shall add Alive in Space!

  2. Morning Mist at Hadden Park--great shot!



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